Become an Exhibitor

Agritravel Expo - Fiera dei Territori e del Turismo Slow

Bergamo Exhibition Centre from 4th to 6th April 2025

Agritravel Expo – Fiera dei Territori e del Turismo Slow is the first international trade fair organised in Italy to promote slow, outdoor, active and sustainable tourism by showcasing the unique qualities of all those regions, in Italy and abroad, that offer genuine destinations and experiences while surrounded by nature, art, culture, traditions and good food.
If you are an operator, company or association aiming to promote tourism development that respects the local area, showcase destinations or advertise a tourism product or service, consider taking part as an exhibitor in the 10th edition of Agritravel Expo – Fiera dei Territori e del Turismo Slow scheduled from 4th to 6th April 2025 at the Bergamo Exhibition Centre.

By participating in a well-established and renowned event on the national and international trade fair scene, exhibitors are assured of a series of tangible benefits for their businesses:

In short, the strong points of the event:
As a specialised international trade fair, Agritravel Expo – Fiera dei Territori e del Turismo Slow is now, more than ever, an indispensable and highly effective meeting point connecting the finest offerings in the field of slow tourism with an increasingly demanding and motivated public, who prioritise quality content and comprehensive information when making their purchasing decisions.
The trade fair will be structured to foster networking opportunities and establish fruitful relationships through workshops and meetings with industry operators, thereby creating the best conditions for expanding business and promoting their activity.
The event programme includes high-level meetings with representatives of various institutions.
Numerous spaces will be dedicated to training and updating on the themed areas featured at the event.
The trade fair has long served as the main platform for exchanging and promoting best practices at both national and international levels. The 2025 edition will focus particularly on the latest advancements in terms of accessibility, inclusivity and sustainability.
The Fair Events Area will provide exhibitors with dedicated time slots to showcase their products and services through presentations, live events and various other initiatives.

AREA B2B (per gli operatori)
4 aprile 2025

un’AREA B2B (4 aprile 2025) per gli operatori del settore ai quali viene offerta la partecipazione a un ricco programma di convegni e workshop e l’inserimento nella fitta agenda di incontri B2B, da sempre generatrice di proficui scambi e confronti. Durante tali giornate è previsto un workshop buyer-seller nel quale saranno presenti numerosi buyer, tra associazionismo e intermediato, tour operator, principalmente provenienti dall’Italia, ma anche da altri paesi europei ed extraeuropei. Un’importante opportunità per mantenere vivi i contatti con i mercati di riferimento e sviluppare proficue collaborazioni in vista della ripartenza delle nuove stagioni turistiche.L’evento sarà accompagnato da un’efficace campagna promozionale al fine di valorizzare questo importante segmento del mercato turistico.

Il nostro pacchetto B2B prevede:

AREA B2C (aperta al pubblico)
4 – 6 Aprile 2025

Il nostro pacchetto B2C prevede:

The last edition’s numbers 2024



EXHIBITORS Italy and Aboard